
Let’s highlight the functional and non-functional requirements of a web crawler.

Functional requirements#

These are the functionalities a user must be able to perform:

  • Crawling: The system should scour the WWW, spanning from a queue of seed URLs provided initially by the system administrator.

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Question 3

How do we select seed URLs for crawling?

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There are multiple approaches to selecting seed URLs. Some of them are:

  • Location-based: We can have different seed URLs depending on the location of the crawler. Category-based: Depending on the type of content we need to crawl, we can have various sets of seed URLs.
  • Popularity-based: This is the most popular approach. It combines both the aforementioned approaches. It groups the seed URLs based on hot topics in a specific area.

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  • Storing: The system should be able to extract and store the content of a URL in a blob store. This makes that URL and its content processable by the search engines for indexing and ranking purposes.

  • Scheduling: Since crawling is a process that’s repeated, the system should have regular scheduling to update its blob stores’ records.

Non-functional requirements#

  • Scalability: The system should inherently be distributed and multithreaded, because it has to fetch hundreds of millions of web documents.

  • Extensibility: Currently, our design supports HTTP(S) communication protocol and text files storage facilities. For augmented functionality, it should also be extensible for different network communication protocols, able to add multiple modules to process, and store various file formats.

  • Consistency: Since our system involves multiple crawling workers, having data consistency among all of them is necessary.

  • Performance: The system should be smart enough to limit its crawling to a domain, either by time spent or by the count of the visited URLs of that domain. This process is called self-throttling. The URLs crawled per second and the throughput of the content crawled should be optimal.

Websites usually host a robot.txt file, which communicates domain-specified limitations to the crawler. The crawler should adhere to these limitations by all means.

  • Improved user interface—customized scheduling: Besides the default recrawling, which is a functional requirement, the system should also support the functionality to perform non-routine customized crawling on the system administrator’s demands.
Customized scheduling
Customized scheduling
Web crawler
Web crawler
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The non-functional requirements of the web crawler system

Resource estimation#

We need to estimate various resource requirements for our design.


These are the assumptions we’ll use when estimating our resource requirements:

  • There are a total of 5 billion web pages.
  • The text content per webpage is 2070 KB.
  • The metadata for one web page is 500 Bytes.

Storage estimation#

The collective storage required to store the textual content of 5 billion web pages is: Total storage per crawl=5 Billion×(2070 KB+500B)=10.35PBTotal\ storage\ per\ crawl = 5\ Billion \times (2070\ KB + 500B) = 10.35 PB

Storage/Web page
Storage/Web page
2070 KB + 500 Bytes
2070 KB + 500 Bytes
10.35 PB
10.35 PB
Total storage/Crawl
Total storage/Crawl
Web pages
Web pages
5 Billion
5 Billion
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The total storage required by the web crawler system

Traversal time#

Since the traversal time is just as important as the storage requirements, let’s calculate the approximate time for one-time crawling. Assuming that the average HTTP traversal per webpage is 60 ms, the time to traverse all 5 billion pages will be:

Total traversal time=5 Billion×60 ms=0.3 Billion seconds=Total\ traversal\ time = 5\ Billion \times 60\ ms = 0.3\ Billion\ seconds = 9.5 years9.5\ years

It’ll take approximately 9.5 years to traverse the whole Internet while using one instance of crawling, but we want to achieve our goal in one day. We can accomplish this by designing our system to support multi-worker architecture and divide the tasks among multiple workers running on different servers.

Number of servers estimation for multi-worker architecture#

Let’s calculate the number of servers required to finish crawling in one day. Assume that there is only one worker per server.

No. of days required by 1 server to complete the task=9.5 years×365 days≈3468 daysNo.\ of\ days\ required\ by\ 1\ server\ to\ complete\ the\ task = 9.5\ years \times 365\ days \approx 3468 \ days

One server takes 3,468 days to complete the task.

How many servers would we need to complete this same task in one day?

We would need 3,468 servers to complete the same task in just one day.

3,468 servers
3,468 servers
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The number of servers required for the web crawler system

If there are a nn number of threads per server, we’ll divide 3,468 by nn. For example, if one server is capable of executing ten threads at a time, then the number of servers is reduced to 346810≈347servers\frac{3468}{10}\approx 347 servers

Bandwidth estimation#

Since we want to process 10.35PB of data per day the total bandwidth required would be:

10.35PB86400sec≈120GB/sec≈960Gb/sec\frac{10.35PB}{86400 sec} \approx 120 GB/sec \approx 960 Gb/sec

960Gb/sec960Gb/sec is the total required bandwidth. Now, assume that the task is distributed equally among 3468 servers3468 \ servers to accomplish the task in one day. Thus, the per server bandwidth would be:

960Gb/sec3468 server≈277Mb/sec per server\frac{960Gb/sec}{3468\ server} \approx 277 Mb/sec\ per\ server

Total bandwidth per server = 277 Mbps
Total bandwidth per server = 277 Mbps
Total bandwidth = 960 Gbps
Total bandwidth = 960 Gbps
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The total bandwidth required for the web crawler system

Let's play around with the initial assumptions and see how the estimates change in the following calculator:

Estimates Calculator for the Web Crawler

Number of Webpages5Billion
Text Content per Webpage2070KB
Metadata per Webpage500Bytes
Total Storagef10.35PB
Total Traversal Time on One Serverf9.5Years
Servers Required to Perform Traversal in One Dayf3468Servers
Bandwidth Estimatef958.33Gb/sec

Building blocks we will use#

Here is the list of the main building blocks we’ll use in our design:

DNS Resolver
DNS Resolver
Blob store
Blob store
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Building blocks in high-level design
  • Scheduler is used to schedule crawling events on the URLs that are stored in its database.

  • DNS is needed to get the IP address resolution of the web pages.

  • Cache is utilized in storing fetched documents for quick access by all the processing modules.

  • Blob store’s main application is to store the crawled content.

Besides these basic building blocks, our design includes some additional components as well:

  • The HTML fetcher establishes a network communication connection between the crawler and the web hosts.
  • The service host manages the crawling operation among the workers.
  • The extractor extracts the embedded URLs and the document from the web page.
  • The duplicate eliminator performs dedup testing on the incoming URLs and the documents.
HTML fetcher
HTML fetcher
Service host
Service host
Duplicate eliminator
Duplicate eliminator
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The components in a high-level design

In the next lesson, we’ll focus on the high-level and detailed design of a web crawler.

System Design: Web Crawler
Design of a Web Crawler
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